Thursday, May 5, 2011

Teenagers need to eat healthy to sustain life.

There are many reasons why eating healthy is important in your life. When you eat healthy you have better body composition, it lowers risk disease, provides nutrients to function every day and when you eat healthy foods you will have more energy and will be more alert in school and other activities.
When you eat healthier foods your body composition increases. This is because when you eat healthy foods they have fewer fats in them and more vitamins and minerals that help you stay healthy and in shape. The healthy foods you eat like natural fruits and vegetables have more nutrients that you need to stay in shape and not get over weight. Some people think that it is impossible to get all of your daily vitamins and minerals from the food you eat. But when you eat healthy foods you can get all of your vitamins and minerals.
When eating healthy and organic foods you lower the risk of disease and sickness. This is because the healthy and organic foods you eat don’t have as many or any of the chemicals and other substances that un healthy foods can have. You may be thinking that eating healthy is disgusting, but it is not at all. You have probably tried a acai bowl before. And if you haven’t a acai bowl has frozen acai berries which are filled with loads of antioxidants, any other mixed frozen berries that you like, these are then blended you can then put granola, banana, and blue agave on the top. This meal has a lot of vitamin and minerals, and it can be eaten for breakfast, lunch, or even a dessert. What is great about eating healthy is that it tastes good and is good for you.
When you eat healthy you get all of the nutrients you need to stay healthy and active on a day to day with out using any supplements or taking any vitamins. This is because the healthy and organic foods are loaded with vitamins and minerals. A good example of a healthy food that has a lot of minerals and vitamins that is a pretty popular local grown item is kale. Kale is rich in vitamin C and calcium. It is also known as one of the healthiest foods for you, and it goes great in salads. When you get your daily vitamins and minerals you are more active and are not as tired.

fatty fats fats

One reason an average teenager should eat healthy is because it provides nutrients to function everyday. When eating healthy your body gets more of the nutrients you need like protein, fats, micronutrients. These foods have healthier content that most fat foods cannot provide.
If eating healthier food such as a chicken salad instead of French fries, a person can get more nutrients that are required to function everyday. The chicken could give this kid protein which is necessary part of a persons diet because, they are required for growth and repair of your body and your cells and some catalyze biochemical reactions and this is mandatory for metabolism. Proteins have many other important jobs in the body too like gives cells its structure, immune system, and doing every action in a persons body. Since proteins are such large molecules they cannot be get directly into teens blood so they have to be received orally. Protein is also a high source of energy.
The chicken also has healthy fats compared to the French Fries which contain saturated fats. The chicken provides energy. The energy is created by making fats into fatty acids and carbs to sugar. If fats weren't in the body and only carbohydrates, then sugar would be the primary form of energy. This would be very inefficient because this would cause an instable amount of blood sugar causing mood swings, clumsiness, depression and other symptoms. Fats also help the body use vitamins and minerals. Cholesterol (a type of fat) is a key figure in having vitamin D in the skin. Fats are also important in the digestion system. This is because two fatty substances help digest dietary fats and vitamins. One of these fats can be found in food such avocado and olive oil.

body composition

Another reason why an average teen should eat healthy is because it forms a nice body composition. Body composition is important in your daily life. If you are in good shape you can perform all of your daily activities with out any struggle. When you are in good enough shape to go through your daily activities with out any struggle it opens your life to do so many other things on your free time. A example is that now you can play sports you enjoy after school or you can pickup an active hobby. When you find something active you love it makes your life more enjoyable and you stay in good active shape. When you maintain a healthy body composition you are also able to do activities you weren’t able too if you were out of shape. Which also lets you do more fun things. And this all comes with being healthy and eating healthy foods.

three day meal plan for the average teen

Day 1

-Cup of milk
-1 serving of scrambled eggs
-2 slices of toast, whole grain, with a light margarine (no trans fats) spread
-1 whole apple

-Carrots sticks
-Chicken sandwich (1/2 chicken breast with lettuce, cheese, light mayo, and tomatoes)
-100% fruit juice

-Spaghetti (with tomato sauce, meat balls, chopped green peppers, and pinch of parmesan)
-Leafy green salad with italian dressing (topped with grape tomatoes, and cucumbers)
-Cup of milk

Snacks: (to be eaten throughout the day whenever one is hungry in between meals)
-Blueberry muffin

Day 2:

-Bowl of cereal and milk (non-sugar coated)
-1/2 slice of bread with a peanut butter and jelly spread
-Orange juice

-Pasta salad
-Filet of fish (baked)
-Scoop of rice
-1 serving of broccoli
-100% fruit juice

-1/2 breast of grilled chicken
-Mashed potatoes
-1/2 corn on the cob
-Cup of Milk

-Pistachio nuts

Day 3:

-Pancakes w/syrup, whipped cream, and strawberries
-1 Orange
-Cup of yogurt

-BLT sandwich (bacon, lettuce, tomato, with slice of parmesan cheese)
-1 serving of Corn chowder
-Leafy green salad with italian dressing
-100% fruit juice

-Shrimp scampi
-Blackened tuna salad (mixed baby greens)
-Cup of milk
-French bread

-Macademia nut cookies
-Popcorn, lightly salted, no butter

Average Calorie Intake for the Average Teenager

This information can be found at . It is very important to realize that these numbers aren't for everyone but are the average. The level of physical activity that a teenager goes threw can change this number. Also the gender and other variables can effect this.


Here is a picture that should help the average teenage manage their ratio of different types of foods per meal

useful websites!

This website shows how a family could raise good healthy habits for kid/ teenagagerʻs diets. They show tips about how family meals are an important place to develop these skills. They also show what foods are good to have at all times in your house.
Here shows programs which enforces healthy eating in the average teens diet but in a fun way. Basically it shows a list of camps where the main purpose is to develop kids skills that will last a lifetime, such as their diets.
This website shows healthy meals for teenagers to eat on a daily basis. There are certain recipes for easy snacks, or just grab and go snacks, and there are even extravagant dinner recipes.